Page:Fairview Boys at Lighthouse Cove.djvu/34

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no objections, the three of them started down the beach toward the lighthouse, which was built on a little point of land, jutting out into the Cove.

It was just getting dusk, and the rays of the light shone out brightly. Sammy Brown, who was walking on a little ahead of his chums, suddenly came to a stop, in a lonely place.

"What's the matter—crab get you?" asked Bob, with a chuckle.

"No. Hush!" whispered Sammy.

"What's up now?" asked Frank. "See some of those pirates?"

Sammy turned and came back to his chums.

"Easy!" he cautioned. "Fellows, I think I have a clue! Come over here, but don't make any noise."

He led them to a clump of bushes beside the path. Cautiously parting the leaves, to make an opening, Sammy looked through. Then he drew back his head.

"Yes, he's there yet!" he whispered. "Take a look."

"Who is it?" asked Bob.

"Someone digging for pirate gold!" whispered Sammy, hoarsely.