Page:Fairview Boys at Lighthouse Cove.djvu/35

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For a moment Sammy's two chums looked curiously at him, and Frank seemed about to laugh. Then Bob said:

"You're crazy, Sammy!"

"I am not," answered the other, quickly. "Look there!"

All looked, and did indeed see a man using a spade to dig up the earth in a secluded spot not far from the path that led to the lighthouse. The man, who was elderly, had a lantern on the ground beside him, and as he sunk the spade into the earth, and brought it up, he would look closely at the soil in the rays of the light.

"Now what do you think?" demanded Sammy, in a triumphant whisper. "Isn't he digging all right?"

"Oh, he's digging," agreed Bob. "I admit that."

"And for gold!" added Sammy.

"Gold nothing!" exclaimed Frank with a quiet laugh. "Do you want to know what I think, Sammy Brown?"

"Yes; what is it?"

"I think that man—whoever he is—is after fish worms. See, he has a tin can there, ready to put the worms in. That's all he's doing, Sammy. He's after bait, getting ready for a fishing trip late to-night or early to-morrow morning."

"That's right," said Bob.

"Oh, is it?" asked Sammy, and he did not seem at all disturbed by what his chums said. Then he quietly asked them:

"Did you fellows ever hear of catching salt-water fish on