Page:Fantastic Volume 08 Number 01.djvu/107

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burg, but I can make it jump."

"I'll bet you can," Sadler said. "But don't go to any bother on my account." He looked worried. "Please," he added.

"Aw, nuts," Larry said. He fished a package of cigarettes out of his pocket. "Look, where are you staying?"

"At the Regina Hotel," Sadler said. "Until I find a place." He took a cigarette from Larry's pack and lit it.

"Well, look, I'll pick you up at eight tonight and we'll do the town. How about it?" Larry asked. He was watching Sadler curiously.

"No. Sorry," Sadler said. "I've got to be careful about late hours and such. Doctor's orders." He patted his chest, and smiled weakly. "Bad heart murmur. I've got to avoid any kind of strain. I shouldn't even be smoking this cigarette, in fact." He puffed on it and inhaled cautiously.

"Aw, nuts. You'll outlive us all," Larry said, watching him. "I'll pick you up at eight."

"Uh-uh," Sadler said, shaking his head. Then, as he drew the cigarette to his mouth again, it exploded in his face. There was a loud bang and a puff of smoke, and Sadler jerked back, gasping. He dropped the cigarette, which was in shreds, to the sidewalk. Larry was roaring.

"Oh God!" he howled, slapping his thigh. "Oh my God, you should see the look on your face! It's priceless!"

Sadler feaned back against the wall of the building. His face was pale and he looked a little sick. He took a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his face with it.

"Oh, man," Larry said, his pudgy face beaming. "You all right? You look a little upset, boy. Something happen?" And he burst out laughing again.

"Look," Sadler said in a weak voice. "I can take a joke all right. But I just finished telling you about my heart. You shouldn't do things like that Larry."

"Aw, nuts. We all got to have a few laughs. Come on, I'll buy you a drink."

"No thanks," Sadler said. "Look, Larry, I've got some things to do. I'll see you around." He nodded, his face still pale and shaken, then turned and walked away. Larry stood watching him, shaking his head slowly, a grin still on his lips.

Three days later, Jim Sadler was picked up by the police and questioned. They'd received several telephone