Page:Fantastic Volume 08 Number 01.djvu/108

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reports from irate men who stated that either their daughters or their wives had been molested by this newcomer, Jim Sadler. They were surprised to see that he was a timid, nervous little man; and this, coupled with a character reference from his employer, convinced them that the charges were false. When they started investigating the men who had made the phone calls, they found they couldn't locate any of them by the names they'd given. It was all just a practical joke, they decided. Jim Sadler agreed. But when they asked him if he had any idea who might have done it, he said no. "I wouldn't want to cause any trouble without being sure," he said. But the incident had obviously upset him. His face was strained and drawn-looking, the lines seeming deeper than usual.

The next time Larry and Sadler met, Sadler was eating supper alone in the hotel dining room. Someone tapped him on the left shoulder. He turned, but no one was there. When he turned to his right, Larry's face jumped out at him with a loud "Boo!" startling him so much he spilled some of his soup.

Larry laughed, and took a seat opposite him. "You're a barrel of fun, boy," he said, beaming. "How's it going?"

Sadler wiped up the soup he'd spilled with his napkin, trying to maintain his dignity.

"Hello, Larry," he said. He didn't say it with much enthusiasm.

"Say, anything wrong? You don't look so good."

"I'm a little tired," he admitted. He smiled. "Breaking into the new job, you know." Then he stopped smiling, and his face became drawn and strained again. "Also, some joker's been giving me a bad time—phoning reports to the police that I've been molesting women in the park."

"You!" Larry said, delighted. "Oh brother, that's a good one!" He laughed, then looked at Sadler slyly. "I wonder who could have done such a thing?"

Sadler lowered his eyes to his plate. He hadn't eaten anything since Larry had arrived.

"What are you here for?" he asked, not looking up.

"Nothing. Nothing at all," Larry said. "Just dropped in to see how you're getting along." He stood up. As he left, he patted Sadler on the back. "You won't find this place dull!" he promised. Sadler winced.