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independent, and not undertake to appropriate their territory or suppress their sovereignty. The United States wishes South America to do its own controlling.

Failing constantly in their attempts to drive a wedge between the two English-speaking countries Germans were instructed by their headquarters to try to create a force of their own with which to combat Americans. In reviewing this angle of attack, Professor Hasse stated that the only way in which he could envision a future for Germanism in the United States was for the Germans to "so organize and educate the German element in that country that political power will finally fall into its lap." And in order to do so, the professor advises that "Germans must abandon all attempts to take sides on Democratic and Republican matters, and form themselves into a national political party." Another professor, Muensterberg, agreed with Hasse by adding that the Germans should build a State within a State, in the United States. Still another German writer added that the best way for the Germans to form a political party of their own was to infect the American, especially those of Irish extraction, with the German virus of Anglo-
