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phobia. The recommendation was also made that the Germans appoint a confidential agent in Washington who might keep in touch with the (American) government and influence it!20

All these wild notions of Germanism produced a great deal of agitation in this country but the German was not able to maintain that any real progress had been made by his movement in the United States. It is only since the rise of present Germany and its "exported agitators" as well as hired spies and bribed sycophants that the nightmare of Germanism has been forced through coercion and terror down the throats of a slight handful of Americans of German descent.

II. South America

German designs in South America, particularly towards Brazil, as well as the underhanded methods they employed in trying to further her interests there have never been kept entirely secret. Long before the advent of the present German government, Germans had always covetously regarded South America as a land which someday would belong to them. That to
