Page:Guide through Carlsbad and its environs.djvu/52

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gasse and over the Panorama, or the Andreas-gasse, or the Eger and the Bellevuestrasse, where the proper Dreikreuzberg begins, and walking principally through beech wood, we arrive in about half an hour at the Restaurant called Camera Obscura, because there is in fact such a thing; the gallery surrounding it affords a most magnificent view of the Egerthal and the town. Ascending the hill, we reach in about ten minutes the Dreikreuzberg, and after walking twenty minutes more, we arrive at the Otto- or Orientirungshöhe. For the return journey, we choose either the same route, or take a shorter but steeper road, which leads us into the Panorama Strasse, close to the Hotel Zur Sonne.

16. To the Wiener Sitz.—The starting point is the Marienbader Strasse. Not far from the Protestant Church we see a steep projecting rock with many inscriptions, and the enormous head of a leopard, carrying a serpent in its mouth, a present from the sculptor Kiss; a little further on is an open space close to the rock, bearing the Dorotheentempel and facing the Protestant Church, which presents a most picturesque view; altogether this spot, called Dorotheenau, abounds in pretty country views. From the Karlsbrücke we walk up-hill to the Dorotheentempel, erected in honour of the beautiful Duchess of Curland; turning to