Page:Guide through Carlsbad and its environs.djvu/53

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the left we pass the Böhmische Sitz, a pretty little place, covered with a roof shaped like a screen. Ascending the hill, but turning to the right, we see a rock shaped like a chair, and called the Deutschlandsfels (Rock of Germany), because in the time of the First Napoleon it had inscribed on it: “Rise to arms, O Germany, bold as this rock.” Walking on a little further, we arrive at the Wiener Sitz, presenting a fine panoramic view; sixty yards further on is a fine garden, called Helenenhof. We now take the road leading past the house Zur Stadt Lemberg, to the Prager Chaussee, and walk on as far as the Panorama to partake of refreshments, returning from here to the town through the Lützow Weg. Another way leads from the Wiener Sitz a short distance back, and turning to the right, brings us to the Laurenz Kapelle, whence we return either on the right through the Helenen Strasse, or arrive in town by taking the road to the left leading to the Bezirksbürgerschule.

17. Past the Schweizerhof to the Bergwirthshaus (Mountain Inn).—We walk, as in the last instance, to the Dorotheentempel, and, turning to the right, reach the Sauerbrunn, whence there are roads right and left leading up-hill to the quietly situated coffee house, called Schweizerhof. Having partaken of refreshments, we walk up-hill, step on