Page:Guide through Carlsbad and its environs.djvu/54

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the Prager Chaussee, and, following it, arrive at the Bergwirthshaus in about half an hour. This high road affords such beautiful views, that the authoress Johanna Schopenhauer enthusiastically exclaimed: “Truly it is worth while to visit Carlsbad every year, if it was only for the pleasure of arriving!” Returning, we leave the road close to the Restaurant Zum Sandwirth, descend a footpath lying beyond it, and arrive at a rocky prominence, situated on the left-hand side, some distance from the road, and formerly much frequented. It is called Friederikensfels, in honour of the Duchess of Cumberland. Walking further on beyond the carriage-road we return, passing the “Marienhof”, by taking a route already known.

18. To Schönbrunn and the Schwindelweg.—Starting along the Kiesweg, we leave the carriage road after a short time, and passing a bridge on the left-hand side, arrive at the nicely-situated Restaurant Schönbrunn. A forest path along a steep mountain slope (and for this reason called Schwindelweg), leads from this place through several small and romantic ravines to Pirkenhammer. Several roads lead from here, on the right-hand side, first over the Plobenbrücke to the Posthof; and a little further on to the Freundschaftssaal, or some further distance to the Kaiser Park. For the return journey we select the Hammer