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"These things being said, the man gave me his right hand, and conducted me to houses where were consorts in like flower of age with themselves. And he said that those wives, now seen as virgins, were in the world infirm old women, and the husbands now seen as youths, were there decrepid old men; and that they were all restored by the Lord to this blooming age, because they loved each other mutually, and from religion shunned adulteries as enormous sins. He further said that no one knows the blissful delights of conjugial love, but he who rejects the dreadful pleasures of adultery; and that no one can reject these, but he who is wise from the Lord; and that no one is wise from the Lord, unless he does uses from the love of use.

"I also saw the utensils of their houses, all of which were in heavenly forms, and glittered with gold as it were flaming from the rubies set therein."—C. L. n. 137.

Such is a faint and imperfect outline of the new doctrine of marriage as it exists in heaven. Such the origin, correspondence, spiritual nature, ends and uses of love truly conjugial; and such its unutterable and everlasting delights. Can we conceive of anything in the nature of marriage more beautiful, more perfect, more desirable, or which carries more plainly on its face the very impress of heaven—the stamp of pure and eternal truth? It is such a view of the subject as satisfies the deepest want, the devoutest longing, and the highest reason of every regenerate soul; and we have seen how perfectly it agrees, too, with Holy Scripture.

And how do the views here presented exalt and dignify the institution of marriage! What beauty and sanctity do they throw over it, and how do they lift it up from earth to heaven! Who is there, whose eye is as