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not dimmed by error or blinded by prejudice, that cannot in this heavenly doctrine something of the wisdom and love and glory of the Lord? Who cannot here see Him coming to the long beclouded minds of men on this grand subject, with new and precious and convincing truth—yea, "with power and great glory"?



WE have all along invited the reader's attention to the practical hearing and value of Swedenborg's disclosures concerning heaven. And we have done this for two reasons: first, because no stronger evidence of their truth can be offered than their obvious usefulness when practically applied; and second, because upon no single point, perhaps, is Swedenborg more generally misunderstood than on this. The great practical value of his teachings and revealings cannot be too strongly emphasized. They all have relation to life, and come close home to us as husbands, fathers, wives, mothers, merchants, mechanics, members of society and citizens of the state. All truth must have relation to life; for what higher purpose can it have, or for what nobler end could it be given, than to teach us how to live that we maybe most useful and most happy?

We have seen that the great Swede's disclosures concerning sex and marriage in heaven, rest upon a solid foundation. Scripture and reason, the desires and hopes