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The First Part of

ere I call thee coward; but I would give a thou-
sand pound I could run as fast as thou canst.
You are straight enough in the shoulders; you
care not who sees your back: call you that back-
ing of your friends? A plague upon such back-
ing! give me them that will face me. Give me
a cup of sack: I am a rogue if I drunk to-
day. 172

Prince. O villain! thy lips are scarce wiped
since thou drunkest last.

Fal. All's one for that.He drinketh.
A plague of all cowards, still say I. 176

Prince. What's the matter?

Fal. What's the matter? there be four of us
here have ta'en a thousand pound this day
morning. 180

Prince. Where is it, Jack? where is it?

Fal. Where is it! taken from us it is: a hun-
dred upon poor four of us.

Prince. What, a hundred, man? 184

Fal. I am a rogue, if I were not at half-sword
with a dozen of them two hours together. I
have 'scap'd by miracle. I am eight times thrust
through the doublet, four through the hose;
my buckler cut through and through; my sword
hacked like a hand-saw: ecce signum! I never
dealt better since I was a man: all would not
do. A plague of all cowards! Let them speak:
if they speak more or less than truth, they are
villains and the sons of darkness.

Prince. Speak, sirs; how was it?

Gads. We four set upon some dozen,— 196

Fal. Sixteen, at least, my lord.

185 at half-sword: at close quarters
190 ecce signum: behold the proof