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King Henry the Fourth, II. iv

Gads. And bound them.

Peto. No, no, they were not bound.

Fal. You rogue, they were bound, every
man of them; or I am a Jew else, an Ebrew

Gads. As we were sharing, some six or seven
fresh men set upon us,—204

Fal. And unbound the rest, and then come
in the other.

Prince. What, fought ye with them all?

Fal. All! I know not what ye call all; but if
I fought not with fifty of them, I am a bunch of
radish: if there were not two or three and fifty
upon poor old Jack, then am I no two-legged
creature. 212

Prince. Pray God you have not murdered
some of them.

Fal. Nay, that's past praying for: I have
peppered two of them: two I am sure I have
paid, two rogues in buckram suits. I tell thee
what, Hal, if I tell thee a lie, spit in my face, call
me horse. Thou knowest my old ward; here I
lay, and thus I bore my point. Four rogues in
buckram let drive at me,—221

Prince. What, four? thou saidst but two
even now.

Fal. Four, Hal; I told thee four. 224

Poins. Ay, ay, he said four.

Fal. These four came all a-front, and mainly
thrust at me. I made me no more ado but took
all their seven points in my target, thus. 228

217 paid: killed
226 mainly: strongly (cf. might and main)
228 target: shield