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The First Part of

Prince. Seven? why, there were but four even

Fal. In buckram?

Poins. Ay, four, in buckram suits. 232

Fal. Seven, by these hilts, or I am a villain

Prince. Prithee, let him alone; we shall have
more anon. 236

Fal. Dost thou hear me, Hal?

Prince. Ay, and mark thee too, Jack.

Fal. Do so, for it is worth the listening to.
These nine in buckram that I told thee of,— 240

Prince. So, two more already.

Fal. Their points being broken,—

Poins. Down fell their hose.

Fal. Began to give me ground; but I fol-
lowed me close, came in foot and hand, and
with a thought seven of the eleven I paid.

Prince. O monstrous! eleven buckram men
grown out of two. 248

Fal. But, as the devil would have it, three
misbegotten knaves in Kendal-green came at my
back and let drive at me; for it was so dark,
Hal, that thou couldst not see thy hand. 252

Prince. These lies are like the father that be-
gets them; gross as a mountain, open, palpable.
Why, thou clay-brained guts, thou knotty-pated
fool, thou whoreson, obscene, greasy tallow-
,— 257

Fal. What, art thou mad? art thou mad?
is not the truth the truth?

Prince. Why, how couldst thou know these

242 points; cf. n.
250 Kendal-green; cf. n.
255 knotty-pated: thick-headed
256 tallow-ketch: tub of tallow