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Easy running, 203.

Eating, rest after, 156; Gladstone's habit, 357.

Elder, Physical Director, on tug-of-war, 188; on work for biliousness, 183.

Elasticity of movement, 25.

Eldon, Lord, 328; body of, 329.

Eliot, President, on brain-worker's need of a good body, 62; secures Dr. Sargent, 80; on physique of students, 113; body of, 440.

Eloquent men's bodies, 468–475.

Emerson's, Dr. Charles Wesley, system of exercise, 99, 101, 103.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, on elegance of form, 31; on the best man, 110.

Endurance, our lack of, 113.

Enlarging the lung-room, 203.

Equipment of gymnasium, 112.

Erect carriage, how to get, 34, 46, 97, 113, 144, 213; how obtained at West Point, 35, 128.

Ericsson, John, body of, 479; longevity of, 479.

Erskine, Lord, 325; body of, 328.

Esculapius, 106.

Esher, Lord, 394; body of, 395, 413; longevity of, 478.

Eton, rowing at, 120; crews at Henley, 120.

Excellence of structure, 31.

Exercise, in colleges, 18; effect of, 18, 28, 29, 44, 48, 49, 136, 225; for girls, 25, 26, 27, 133, 135; effect of, on descendants, 30; expansion of chest by, 30; physical, depletes the blood in the brain, 30, 52; for women, 37; prolongs life, 40; daily, 43, 46, 50, 52, 55; amount of, 44; developing weaker side by, 44; with dumbbells, 48; with Indian clubs, 48; with exerciser, 48; affects weight, 49; Blackie on, 61, 70; Cicero on, 61; O. W. Holmes on, 51; strengthens the lungs, 62; value of, 62, 66; what to take, 69, 101; improves the spirits, 74; with slow movements brings greater results, 102; for old persons, 158, 159, 160; oils the joints, 162.

Exerciser, 48, 94, 232, 233; use of, by New York society leaders, 48.

Expansion of chest by exercise, 30.

Eyes strengthened by physical exercise, 163.


Farmers, as walkers and runners, 3; Dr. Sargent as to size and weight of, 8.

Farm-hand, vacation as a, 75.

Farm-work, effect of, on carriage, 3.

Fast walking by women, 47.

Fat, exercise to reduce, 100.

Faulty position clogs breathing, circulation, and digestion, 73.

Fawcett, Postmaster-General, rowing of, 30; Miss, scholarship of, 30; physical training of, 30, 118; tennis of, 30; shinny of, 30; rowing of, 30.

Feet, in-turning, 41.

Fencing, 71, 99.

Field sports, 71.

Figures of girls, 28.

Finck, on beauty, 34; on high chests, 102; on breathing, 201, 202.

Fingers, how to make them strong, 198.

Fitzsimmons as a boxer, 206; with Buermeyer, 480.

Fleshy, work for the, 145.

Football, 12, 15, 16, 71; Sandow on, 94.

Fore-arm exercise, effect of, 29; work, 195, 227.

Fox, Charles James, 303; body of, 304, 469; eloquence of, 469.

Franklin, self-reliance of, 117, 205; body of, 296.

French physique, 15.

Freshman crew, 20.

Front of the chest, how to develop, 199.