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Galen, 109.

Garfield, President, 117.

Garibaldi, walking of, 69.

Garrett, Robert, 63.

Gastric juice, 69.

German physique, 15.

Getting rich, Beecher on, 70.

Gibson, Chief Justice, 335; body of, 336.

Girls, running of, 26, 230; study by, need not break down, 26; walking of, 27; tennis, 27; exercise of, 27, 30; figures of, 28; effects of exercise on, 28; mental work of, 28; debility of defective bodily education of, 29; symmetry of, from exercise, 30; usefulness increased by daily physical exercise, 36.

Gladstone, care of his body, 56, 65, 66, 67; his daily exercise, 67; biting his food, 68; walking of, 69; sketch of, 354; body of, 355.

Go-as-you-please racing, 97.

Godkin, Edwin L., 429; body of, 431.

Goethe, 323; body of, 324.

Golf, 71; makes men eat and sleep, 72; oxidizes the blood, 72; regulates the circulation, 72.

Good spirits, one way to get, 75.

Gould, Jay, 63.

Gout, freedom from, 163.

Grace, foundation of, 33, 48.

Grant, U. S., effect of out-door exercise on life of, 130, 383; body of, 385.

Gray, Mr. Justice, 438.

Great horses, 241.

Great men's bodies, 240; examples, 240; Blackie on, 240; Longfellow on, 240; difference between great and ordinary men, 241.

Great ships, 241.

Greek gymnastic exercises, 110.

Greeley, Horace, 418; body of, 419.

Greenough, the sculptor, on leg exercise, 173.

Grip, how to strengthen the, 198, 199.

Grippe comes easiest to those who are run down, 75.

Griscom, S. E., exercise his cure for nervousness and insomnia, 159, 160, 161.

Guaranty of health, strength, and figure to college-girls, 49.

Guthrie, Thomas, prowess of, 58.

Gymnasium, home, 48, 67, 68; substitute for, 67, 69; how to use it, 68; Chicago Athletic Club, 112; Hemenway, outfit of, 112; Manhattan Athletic Club of New York, 112; New York Athletic Club, 112; of Yale, 112; most useful branch of college education, 115; directors, field for, 126; how it pays, 126.

Gymnastics, in Italy, 32; Sandow on, 94.


Hackensack rowing course, 123.

Hale, Nathan, body of, 1, 447.

Half-built boys, 12.

Hall, Rev. Dr. John, 424; body of, 426.

Hall, Rev. Robert, on Dr. Chalmers as an orator, 331.

Hamilton, Alexander, 307; body of, 309.

Hammond, Surgeon-General, 26, 27.

Hand, symmetrical, 25; how to develop, 198.

Hand-ball, 71.

Hannibal, 260; body of, 261.

Hard muscles, 31.

Hares and hounds, 14.

Harlan, Mr. Justice, body of, 438.

Harper, President, on students' need of good bodies, 61.

Hartwell, Dr., on treatment of consumption, 144.
Harvard, oarsman and perspiring, 55; Hemenway gymnasium at, 76; President Eliot, as to phys-