Page:Lectures on The Historians of Bohemia by Count Lutzow (1905).djvu/129

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Hussites described as brutal fanatics and incendiaries, 27; reformers of Bohemian clergy, 28.

Hussitism in Bohemia, The Forerunners of, written by Palacký, 101; permission to print delayed, ib.; translated and published by Dr. Jordan, ib.; new edition, 1869, ib.

Interpretation of Dreams, 36.

James I of England, 78.

Jireček, Dr., publishes a study of Blahoslav, 62; states accusations against Augusta and Bílek, 64; editor of Slavata’s work, 72.

Jordan, Dr., translates and publishes in his own name Palacký’s Forerunners of Hussitism in Bohemia, 101.

Joseph II, uncrowned king of Bohemia, 87; aids in the advancement of public progress, 87.

Journal of the Bohemian Museum, published both in Bohemian and German, 91; German edition suspended, ib.

Kalousek, Professor, 89; his České Státní Pravo or Bohemian Constitution, 107.

King John of Bohemia, 17; aids France in hostilities against England, 18, 19; killed in battle, 19; his body searched for and delivered to his countrymen, ib.; carried to Luxemburg and buried, ib.; entered Brescia in 1330, 24; accepted by Italian cities as ruler, ib.; recrossed the Alps in 1331, 25.

King Rudolph, 70.

Kinsky, Ulrick, 77.

Klebelsberg, Count, 90.

Kolowrat, Count, 90.

Králice, Bible of, joint work of Bohemian Brethren, 61; preserved by Bohemian Brethren, 83.

Kristián, also called Strachkvas, 2; supposed author of Life of St. Ludmilla and Martyrdom of St. Wenceslas, ib.; date of his chronicle uncertain, ib., 6; his account of the conversion of Moravia, 3; his account of the murder of St. Wenceslas, 4–6.

Křivoklat, castle of, imprisonment of Bílek and Augusta at, 64.

Kroměřice, 98.

Krušina, Lord, 46.

Kutna Hora, 84.

Leger, Professor, 50.

‘Letter of Majesty,’ 72, 75, 76; signed, 70.

Life of St. Ludmilla and Martyrdom of St. Wenceslas, 2.

Lipan, battle of, 51.

Litomyšl, John, bishop of, 31.

Mareš, Mr., archivist at Wittingau, publisher of Life of Peter of Rosenberg, by Břežan, 67.

Martinic, defenestrated at Hradčany castle, 77.

Master John Hus, 110.

Mastino della Scala, 24.

Miscellany of Bohemian History, A, 86.

Mladá-Boleslav, town of, 4, 62.

Mladenovič, biographer of Hus, 29; secretary to Lord John of Chlum, ib.; present at trial of Hus, ib.; becomes member of the moderate Hussite church, ib.; his account of Hus’s journey to Constance and imprisonment, ib.; of the martyrdom of Hus, 29–32; of Hus’s arrival at Nuremberg, 30.

Mühlberg, battle of, 55.

Müller, Dr. Joseph, 65.

Murger, Henry, his Vie de Bohême, 1.