Page:Lectures on The Historians of Bohemia by Count Lutzow (1905).djvu/130

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Mutina, a Veršovic noble, suspected by Svatopluk of treachery, 11; severely addressed by Svatopluk, 12; murdered, ib.

Nejstarší Kronika česká, 2.

Neplach, abbot, companion to Charles on his travels, 20.

Odpor Stavů Českých proti Fernandovi, 106.

Opatovic, abbot of, 20.

Otto of Daymark, 36.

Palacký, Francis, Bohemian historian, 1, 7; his Würdigung der alten böhmischen Geschichtschreiber standard authority, 10; shows the difficulty of obtaining history during Hussite wars, 27; publisher of Mladenovič’s biography of Hus, 29; editor of chronicles of the Hussite wars, 50; leader of Bohemian national revival movement, 88; his education, ib.; studied English writers, 89; referred to in English literature very little, ib.; at Prague, ib., 90; at Patriotic Association meeting, ib.; first editor of Journal of the Bohemian Museum, ib.; archivist to Count Sternberg, ib.; finds history of Bohemia incomplete, 92; deals only with history of Bohemia up to 1526, 93; aided in his work by Estates of Bohemia, ib.; historiographer of Bohemia, ib.; first volume of his history of Bohemia published, 94; it first appeared in German, ib.; his history a life-work, 95; struggles with the censors, ib.; restores passages eliminated or replaced by the censors, 97; elected representative of Bohemia to the constituent assembly at Vienna, ib.; member of Slavic congress at Prague, 98; replies to invitation to congress at Frankfurt, ib.; retires to private life, ib.; appointed life member of Vienna Parliament, 99; retirement from Parliament, ib.; returns to political life, 100; completion of Bohemian edition of his historical work, ib.; death, ib.; his shorter works, ib; his essay, The Forerunners of Hussitism in Bohemia, 101; his work attacked on the Hussite movement, 102; criticizes Höfler’s rival work, ib.; his Die Geschichte des Hussitenthumes und Professor Höfler, 103; his views of the Hussite period, ib.; editor of valuable documents of Bohemian history, 105; his speech at a banquet given to celebrate the termination of his historical work, 111.

Pekář, Professor, his Nejstarší Kronika ceská, 2; publishes Life of St. Ludmilla and Martyrdom of St. Wenceslas, 3.

Pelzl, 86.

Pešina, Canon Tomas, historical works of, 86.

Pierre, Roget, 25.

Plumlov, Lord Henry of, 45, 46.

Poland, prominent in Slavic literature, 1.

Pope Benedict, 25.

Pope Pius II, 51, 84.

Prague, 73, 74, account of siege of, by Březov, 38–46; occupied by Ferdinand, 56; executions at, ib., 71, 79; citizens of, threatened by foreigners, 58; history of, 106, 7.

Prague, Francis provost of, 14.

Přemyslide princes, 11.

Prokop the Great, 34.

Protestant rising, 71; Austrian officials defenestrated at Hradčany castle, ib.