Page:London astrologer, or, A young girl put to the blush.pdf/4

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Deny it not my Girl, he ſaid,
it makes your caſe look worſe,
For your maſter gave to you a crown,
you have it in your purſe.

When ſhe ſaw him ſo poſitive,
ſhe could it not deny,
She turn’d herſelf right round about,
to him made this reply;

Indeed I am a maiden yet,
and hopes ſo to remain,
My Maſter got my Maidenhead,
but he gave it me again.


FILL your glaſſes, baniſh care,
Wealth and worldly care deſpiſe,
Sorrow ne’er can bring relief;
Joys from drinking will ariſe.
Why ſhould we with anxious care,
Spoil what Nature’s made ſo fair?
Chor. Drink and ſet your heart at reſt;
Of a bad bargain make the beſt.

Mirth when mingled with our wine,
Makes the heart alert and free:
Let it rain, or ſnow, or ſhine,
All the ſame it is to me.
There’s no ſence againſt our fate,
Changes daily on us wait.
Chor. Drink and ſet your heart at reſt;
Of a bad bargain make the beſt.