Page:London astrologer, or, A young girl put to the blush.pdf/5

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Some purſue the winged wealth,
Some to honour do aſpire;
Give me freedom, give me health,
That's the ſum of my deſire.
What this world could more preſent,
Would not add to my content.
Chor. Drink and ſet your heart at reſt;
Of a bad bargain make the beſt.


LECTURE’D by Pa and Ma o’er night,
Monday, at ten, quite vex’d and jealous,
Reſolv'd in future to be right,
and never liſten to the fellows!
Stitch'd half a wriſtband, read the text,
receiv'd a note from Mrs. Rackit:
I hate the woman, ſhe ſat next,
all church-time, to ſweet Captain Clackit.

Tueſday got ſcolded, did not care,
the toaſt was cold, 'twas paſt eleven;
I dreamt the Captain, through the air,
on Cupid's wings bore me to heav'n!
Pouted and din'd, dreſs'd, look'd divine,
made an excuſe, got Ma to back it!
Went to the play, what joy was mine;
talk'd loud & laugh'd with Captain Clackit.

Wedneſday came down, no lark ſo gay!
the girl's quite alter'd, ſaid my Mother;
Cry'd Dad, I recollect the day

when, Dearie, thou wert ſuch another.