Page:Madras journal of literature and science vol 1 new series 1856-57.djvu/75

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OCT. — DEC. 1856.] Descri^Hions of new Ceylon Coleoptera. 63

giore. Thorax oblongiis basin versus angustatus, parce punctula- tus, antice lateribus deflexus, postice dorsoque planus, basi 2-im- pressus. Elytra striata, ad strias, prcBcipue apicem versus, sub- tilissime pilosa, flavo-marginata. Pedes flavi, spinulis caslaneis. Abdomen flavo-marginatum.

Specimen singulum m. in ripis Maha-Oyae fluminis prope Ne- gombo cepi.

Distinguished by its elongate shape. TShe head is of a bright green color with the labrum aijid the mandables of deep, and the antennae and palpi of a liglit brown, the latter being darkened to- wards the end. The thorax is of the same color as the head re- flecting a copper hue from the back, its anterior angles are obtuse, the basal ones being right, llie elytra are of the same greenish copper color but darker, they are impressed with longitudinal lines, which are bordered on each side by a row of minute hairs. They as well as the abdomen have a yellowish margin.

4. Chlcenius cupricollis. N.

C. subconvexus, subglabratus, capite thoraceque cupreis, elytris nigro-seneis, limbo pedibusque flavis, subtus piceus. Long. corp. m. 5f— f. 6i lin.

Prsecedenti affinis. Caput ante oculos indistincte 2-impressium. Thorax ut in prsecedente sed minor, antice lateribus magis deflexus, linea media impressionibusque basalibus longitudinalibus, prsecipue in f., profundioribus. Pedes flavi, trochanteribus spinulisque cas- laneis. Elytra prsecedentis.

In prov. occid. fiuminum lacuumque ripis infrequenter legi.

Allied to the former but easily distinguished by size, color and sculpture of the thorax. The male is shorter and the female plump- er than the former. The thorax is smaller and, as is also the head, of a bright copper color with greenish sides, its impressions, espe- cially in the female, are deeper and its anterior part laterally more deflexed. Moreover the yellowish margin of the abdomen is want- ing and the tooth of the mentum is not excavated. The elytra, an- tennae and palpi are, making allowances for size etc., those of the former.