Page:Madras journal of literature and science vol 1 new series 1856-57.djvu/76

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64 Descriptions of new Ceylon Coleoptera. [no. 1, new series,

5. ChlcBYiius rugulosiis. N.

C. subconvexus, subglabratus, thorace occipiteque rugulosis cu- preis, elytris nigro-viridibus, pedibus, elytrorum limbo lunulisque apicalibus flavis, subtus piceus, abdomine apice margineque flavis. Long. corp. 6^ lin.

Caput fronte 2-impressum, subtillissime longitudinaliter rugulo- sum. Menti dens laciniis extus rotundatis. Thorax lateribus ro- tundatus, deflexus, basi sat fortiter angustatus, obsolete 2-in}pres- sus, parce punctatus, subtiliter traniversim rugulosus. Elytra ut in praecedente sed apice utrinque lunula flava signata, ad strias dis- tinctius pilosa, his apicem versus per paria coeuntibus. Pectus abdomenque picea, hoc segmentis 2 ultimis, praecedente dimidio margineque flavis.

Specimen unicum f. in Ch. pulvhri N. societate cepi.

Of the general appearance of the preceding two species. The head finely longitudinally, the thorax transversely rugose ; the lat- ter with rounded and deflexed sides. The mandibles are of deep brown, the palpi and antennae of yellowish color darkened towards the tip. The lobes of the mentum tooth are externally rounded. The elytra are marked by two sub-apical spots of yellowish color and semi-lunar shape (the back of the lunulse being turned towards the suture). The striae verge near the apex by twos into each other. The abdomen is distinguished by having a yellow margin and apex.


6. Scarites minor. N.

S. elongaius, niger, nitidus, subtus nigro piceus, pedibus piceis, tarsis, antennis palpisque castaneis. Long. corp. 5 lin. lat. I5 lin.

Caput subquadratum, ante oculos 2-impressum, postice irregulariter sulcatulum. Mentum rugosum, medio costatum, lateribus utrinque profunde uni-sulcatum, lobis obtusis, dente forti, lobis paulo brevi- ore. Maxillae validae, breves, apice extus leviter arcuatae et exca- vatac, subacuminatas. Mandibulae validae, inter medium et basin fortiter dilatatae, obtuse dentatee, dextera dente obtuso subapicali.