Page:Madras journal of literature and science vol 1 new series 1856-57.djvu/77

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OCT. — DEC. 1856.] Descriptions of new Ceylon Coleoptera. 65

supra subtusque longitudinaliter sulcatse. Antennae art. 1® se- quentium trium — 2^ tertii prope longitudine. Thorax oblongo- quadratus, angulis anterioribus obtusis, posterioribus oblique trun- catis, anguste marginatus. Elytra thoracis capitisque prope lon- gitudine, striata, ante medium ad striam 2™ uni — apicem versus ad stiiam 3«i 2.punctata, punctis piliferis, basi granulata, angulis ob- lique-truncatis, anguste marginata. Pedes anteriores tibiis apice extus o-dentatis, dentibus 2 ultimis parvis^ omnes tarsis subtus le- viter excavatis. *

In prov. occid. arenis hi;midis sub vegitabilibus putrescentibus specimina nonnulla legi.

Scarce and but little distinguished excepting by its size, for which reason, a lengthened descriptio'n makes itself necessary. The head is subquadrate, in front with 2 deep longitudinal impressions, be- hind the eyes finely sulcated. The labrum is of the usual shape, the eyes are not very prominent ; the antennae are of about the same length as the head, the first joint is about as long as the 3 following together, the 2nd, which is generally longer than the 3rd, is in this case of the same length, joints 1 — 4 are naked, 5 — 11 pilose, increasing towards the tip gradually in size and thickness, taking at the same time a subquadratic and depressed shape. The mandibles are strong, much dilated and dentated from before the middle to the base, the right one having an additional subapical tooth. The maxillae also are strong, but slightly bent at the apex, where they are also slightly excavated. The labial palpi have the last joint longer than the 3rd, elongated and elliptic. The thorax is oblong with the basal angles obliquely truncated. The elytra are oval, striated, granulated at the base, and have, as has also the thorax, a narrow margin. The anterior tarsi are furnished exter- nally with 5 teeth, the 2 last of which, however, are very small, the posterior legs are similarly provided, but the teeth are indis- tinct. The joints of the tarsi are slightly excavated below. The sides of the body below are rugose.

7. Clivina rugosifrons. N.

C. ferruginea, capite, thorace abdomineque piceis. Long. corp. 4i lin. lat. Ij lin.