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the medical guide.

letting; or combino tartrate of antimony, ten grains, to threc ounces cpsom salts, dissolved in a quart of water, a wine glassful every twenty minutes till free purging and vomiting; rub affected part with turpentine, hartshorn and oil, essence of mustard; use vapour bath, &c.

Observations.——The use of the cold bath, or sponging the body with cold water, is an oxcellent preventative, and when the acute symptoms of the disease is removed, is a powerful means of restoring the system, and steeling it against a renewal of the attack of rheumatism. Quininc, in doses from 1 to 5 grains, an hour before a meal, is sometimes a valuable auxiliary towards removing the remaining symptoms, and warding off an attack of rheumatism.


Causes.——When the acute stage is improperly treated, it is succeded by the chronic

Symptoms.——The pain in back or limbs, &c., becomes permanent, and the party is affected by cvery change in the atmosphere, so as to resemble a wcatherglass.

Treatment.——A teaspoonful of tincture of meadow saffron morning and night, with from 35 to 60 drops of laudanum at bed time; a teaspoonful of oil of turpentinc in a tablespoonful of castor oil repcated occasionally. N.B.——A tablespoonful of cod liver oil 3 times a day has been found to answer as a specific in rheumatism.

Observations.——The observations on Acute Rheumatism apply here also.


Causes.——Infection, from the use of a comb, &c., of a party affected with the discase.

Symptoms.——Cluster of small red pimples, forming a circular ring; when on the head, causing the hair to fall off, having a great tendency to spread.

Treatment.——Strong decoction of galls, or solution of corrosive sublimate, three grains to ounce of water; bathe affected part.

Observations.——There is often a necessity to get