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the medical guide.

the head shaved and washed with black soap and water before the remedies will take effect.——N.B. Corrosive sublimate being very insoluble, a few drops muriatic acid added will assist the solution.

ROSE (St. Anthony's Fire).

Causes.——Effects of cold, with bad habit of body, &e.; from improper food, but especially intemperance.

Symptoms.——Cold shivering, succeded by heat, and a bright red covering the part affected, which is sometimes the head and face, accompanied with delirium; sometimes the limbs, &c.

Treatment.——Cover the part affected with earded eotton or lint, dusting it with flour, having anointed it with earron oil previously; or apply eloths dipped in turpentine or ardent spirits; above all, clean out the bowels with a brisk purgative at the commencement, keeping the patient upon light vegetable diet.

Observations.——Rose is oceasionally an indication of serious internal disease; a frequent oeeurrence in the dissipated when the constitution is breaking up. In such a case the danger is imminent; nor can the stimulant be entirely withdrawn without risk. The adviee of an intelligent surgeon here is quite indispensable.


Causes.——Want of attention to cleanliness, disordered bowels, &e.

Symptoms.——An eruption of an irritable nature, aceompanied with heat of surface and intolerable itching over ebild's head.

Treatment.——Shave head, wash with Spanish soap, dress with tar ointment twice a day, powder head with pounded charcoal, clear out bowels with active purgatives.

Observations.——If the preceding means fail, alum pounded very fine, a table spoonful to the pint of milk, aud well shaken; cloths dipped in the same and applied to the head was a favourite remedy with an intelligent quack, and has been found to answer here, and in cases of scurvy, admirably well, by intelligent medical men.