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Yes, I will fly, but thou shalt go with me;

If not, I will remain and meet my fate.


Good heaven forbid! thou'lt drive me to distracton.
O misery! (Wringing her hands in great distress, whilst Marthon advances to Petronius with supplicating look.)


Away! thou art a fool: we must be firm.

(To Marthon.)
Wring not thy hands thus wildly, simple maid:
Thou goest to be with me no wand'ring outlaw,
But one in splendour greater than a queen:
The favour'd mistress of the mighty sultan. (To EIla.)

(Ella gives a loud shriek, and struggles to get from him.)

Enter Rodrigo.


Audacious villain! quit thy cursed hold,

Or take death for thy pains.
Ha! thou shrink'st back, and mufflest up thy face.
Say who thou art, or thro' thy villain's heart
I'll thrust this rapier.