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Look on her face, and hear her voice of love!
It is distraction!

Enter Valeria.


My Constantine, art thou so long return'd,

And yet to me no kindly summons sent,
Long as I've watch'd for it?—What is the matter?
Thy brow is dark: these are disturbed looks:
What is the matter?


Nothing, nothing.

I am, thou know'st, with many cares perplex'd.
Follow me to thine own apartment; here
I cannot speak to thee.

VALERIA (aside, looking eagerly at him as they go out).

What may this be!(Exeunt.

SCENE IV. Valeria's Apartment.

Enter Constantine, followed by Valeria, who remain silent for some time, she looking anxiously with wistful expectation.


Now we are here, my Lord, in the still privacy

Of this my inmost bower, but thou art silent.
(Pauses, and he is still silent.)