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There is a look of sadness on thy face
Of disturb'd wretchedness, that never yet,
Ev'n in thy darkest hours, I've seen thee wear:
Why art thou thus?


And dost thou ask? I've been, in deep humility,

Making a sinner's peace with God and man,
And now——and now——(His voice faultering.)


What would you say, my lord?


And now I am with thee.


And art thou sad for this? hast thou not still,

Loose from all shackles of imposed state,
Been with me in thine hours of joy or grief,
Like a way faring man, who sitting down
On the green bank, his cumb'rous vestment open,
To the soft breeze?


Yes, my Valeria; I have been with thee

As with a true yoke heart, so strong in love
That ev'n the thought which scudded o'er my mind
With culprit's speed from shameful consciousness,
Was not from thee conceal'd.