Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/429

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�404 APPENmX. SF_,C?Olq IX, UPON THE GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS O1? THE FIXED POINTS OF THE SUllVE?. ' ' A. Tns observations for determining the longitudes of the ye- Sact. IX. rious parts of the coast were taken with a circle and a sextant by Troughton: besides these valuable instruments we had three chronometers of Arnold's make, t?z., 413 (box), 20?4 (pocket? and 394 (pocket); of which the two first were supplied by the Admiralty. At the end of the fourth year, in consequence of 394 having stopped, a fourth chro- nometer, made by Parlrinson and Frodsham (No. 287 box), was purchased in the colony, and proved to be a most excel- lent watch. The situations of the following places, which were either fixed by us, or adapted from other authorities, served as the basis of the chronometrical determination oi ? the 1oligi- tudee of the intermediate parts. The flag-staf? of PORT MAC(?UARIE, on the north-east head ot Sydney Cove in PORT. JACKSON, (the Cattle Point of Flinders, and otherwise Bennilong Point,) is is latitude 33 � 28 # S., and longitude 151 � 26 E., being, ?tccording to the ensuing table, the mean of all the observao tions that have been taken.