Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/430

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GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS. 40S imtitude o!Merved by Captain Flirttiers, in 11'05 and ?800 ? S?I 4a.8 A. De Freycinet in 1801 51 SI Sect. Kin? (reduced) 1817 ISl 18 Sir T. Brisbane (reduced) 18?$ 51 30 Mean latitude of Fort Macqtmrie . . o S8 51 ?8 Longitude observed by Captain Cook, reduced from his o , ,, . ob?erv&tions at Botany Bay, 1770 . 151 11 S2 Captain Hunter, 1788 . 19 4S Lieutenant Dawes ,, . , 18 50 Lieutenant Bradley , $0 S8 Malespins, �]? lib Messrs. Broughton and Crosley, 1795 9 3t CaptainFlinders, 1795-6 o J? 12 Ditto 1802 11 45 Captain De Freyclnet, 1801/ 8 ? M. D*Espinom by an eclil?e or (?) and occult. of ? lft ? 2nd Satellites, 179S o. 1S 45 Governor Bli?b, 1806, eclipse of O IT 49 Captain p. P. King, i 817; eclipse oF O, calculated by Mr. Rum- ker . IT Sir Thomas Br/Stkme, ?8?2, (the mean or six eclipses places his ,obeervmtoryinl,?l �20") . 15 39 Mr. Rumker, eclilme of ? at Parranmtta? p?luced'to Fort Macquarie 17 ?0 Mean Longitmle or Fort Macquarie �. 161 IS S6 PERCY ISLAND (No. ll). The longitude of the ssuth- west end of this island is by Captain Flinders's ohserr&t/on i? 1?0 �'