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This is in the nature of a suit in equity and governed by the rules applicable to equitable actions, because it seeks to remove a cloud from the title and also seeks an injunction. Clark v. Smith, 13 Peters 195; Holland v. Challen, 110 U.S. 1§; Farrington v. N. E. Inv. Co. 47 N. W. Rep. 191; Lamb v. Farrell, 21 Fed. Rep. 5. The fact that the statute authorizes a short form of complaint, cannot change the nature of the action. Curtis v. Sutter, 15 Cal. 260; Brant v. Wheaton, 52 Cal. 430. Plaintiff should tender amount of tax as condition precedent to suit.

State R. R. Tax Cases, 92 U.S. 575; Mat. Bank v. Kimball, 103 U. S. 732; Pelton v. Bank, 101 U. S. 143; Cal. & O. Land Co. v. Gowen, 48 Fed. Rep. 771; Palmer v. Town, 16 Mich. 176; Mernill v. Humphrey, 24 Mich. 170; Hersey v. Supervisors, 16 Wis. 198; Hersey v. Supervisors, 37 Wis. 75; Schittler v. City, 43 Wis. 48. The description must be such as to inform respondent that the land assessed is his. Blackwell on tax titles, 124, 2 Desty 56; Hopkins v. Young, 22 At. Rep. 926; St. Peter’s Church v. Scott County, 12 Minn. 395; Auguste v. Lawless, 10 So. Rep. 171; Greenwood v. LaSelle, 26 N. E. Rep. 1089; Beems v. Caldwell, g N. E. Rep. 623; Smith v. Shattuck, 7. Pac. Rep. 335; Taylor v. Wright, 13 N. E. Rep. 529; Jenkins v. McTigue, 22 Fed. Rep. 148; Griffin v. Tuttle, 37 N. W. Rep. 167.

J. E. Robinson, for respondent.

Each deed shows that separate town lots were sold en masse for a gross sum, hence it is void on its face. 2 Desty 869, 973. Walker v. Moore, 2 Dillion 256; Ryan v. Cook, 21 Ia. 439; Ware v. Thompson, 29 Ia. 65; Crane v. Randolph, 30 Ark. 584; Bouldin v. Ewert, 63 Mo. 330. Where a city charter requires the votes to be taken by yeas and nays arid to be entered on the record, and ordinance voted without that requirement is invalid. Pontiac v. Oxford, 49 Mich. 69; Sticker v. Saginaw, 22 Mich. 104, 206. In the enactment of ordinances the requirements of the statute must be strictly observed. Blanchard v. Bissell, 11 Ohio St. 301; Elizabethtown v. Lefler, 23 Ml. 90; Barnett v. Newark, 28 Ill. 62; Herzo v. San Francisco, 33 Cal. 134; Fuller v. Heath, 89 Ill, 296; Tracy v. Peo, 6 Col.

N. D. R.—4,