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executors and administrators, successors and assignees, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this 6th day of June, A. D. 1910.

“The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas, the plaintiff is in possession of the northwest quarter (N. W. 44) of section eleven (S. 11), in township one hundred thirty-nine (T. 139) north, of range one hundred six (R. 106) west of the 5th P. M., Billings county, North Dakota, under an execution issued in the above entitled case; and whereas, defendant above named, J. D. Halstead, has secured an order from the court above entitled to show cause why a stay of execution should not be granted in the above entitled action; and whereas, the defendant feels aggrieved and desires to take further action in the above-entitled case:

“Now, therefore, the above-named sureties hereby undertake and agree that the plaintiff, Missouri Slope Land & Investment Company, in case the court should decree the return of said land above described, they will return the same to the defendant herein named, together with five hundred dollars ($500) per year as damages for the use and occupancy of the northwest quarter (N. W. 14) of section eleven (S. 11) in township one hundred thirty-nine (T. 139) north, of range one hundred six (R. 106) west of the 5th P. M., Billings county, North Dakota, by the plaintiff herein.

“Now, if the plaintiff should do as hereinbefore set out, then this bond to be null and void; otherwise, to be in full force and effect. Missouri Slope Land & Investment Company, by H. A. Hunter, its Secretary and Treasurer. (Cor. Seal.) A. L. Martin, Mary J. McGillivray.

“In Presence of: J. E. Davidson, E. C. Goodman.”

It is undisputed that at, and prior to, the time this bond was executed and delivered, Halstead was in possession of the premises. It is also undisputed that upon the execution of such bond and in reliance thereon he delivered possession of the premises to the Missouri Slope Land & Investment Company, and that its agent entered into possession thereof and occupied the same from on or about June 6, 1910, until March, 1917, at which time Halstead was put in possession by virtue of an execution. Thereafter Halstead made demand for the payment to him of the amount stipulated in the written agreement. No payment was made, and he thereupon brought this action to enforce the bond. The three defendants answered separately, admitting the execution of the