Page:North Dakota Reports (vol. 48).pdf/704

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“Ordered that the said motion be and the same hereby is granted, and the place of trial of said action be and the same hereby is changed from the district court of Cass county, N. D., to the district court of Richland county, N. D., in the Third judicial district of the state; and

“It is hereby further ordered that the clerk of district court of Cass county shall transfer to the clerk of the said district court of Richland county all the records, pleadings and files in said action now on file in his office.

“And it is hereby further ordered that in view of the fact that there is now pending in the district court of Traill county a certain action in which J. R. Waters is plaintiff and Arthur C. Townley is defendant, and that some of the witnesses in said action may be material, important witnesses in the trial of the action herein entitled, the trial of this action shall take place at a time when the witnesses in the said case of Waters v. Townley can attend. This order subject to a further hearing if good cause be shown therefor.

“Dated at Fargo, N. D., this 16th day of April, 1921.

“By the Court:

“(Signed) A. T. Cole, Judge.”

Pursuant to said order, the clerk of the district court of Cass county transmitted the papers and the files in the case, to the district court of Richland county, where they were received and filed on April 19, 1921. Subsequently, the defendants made an application before the Honorable A. T. Cole, district judge of Cass county, who made the order transmitting the cause to Richland county, that the case be transferred for trial to some other county than that of Richland. On June 16, 1g21, Judge Cole made an order refusing to disturb the change of venue, ordered by him, by the order dated April 16th. On June 21, 1921, the defendants made application before Judge Allen, presiding as judge of the district court of Richland county, that the venue of said action be changed from Richland county to some other county. In support of this application, the defendants submitted some 30 affidavits, including the affidavits of the plaintiff’s attorney, who is a resident of Fargo, in Cass county. These affidavits were to the effect that owing to the political aspect of the case, and the public sentiment existing in Richland county, the defendants could not obtain a fair trial in Richland county. In opposition to these affidavits, the plaintiffs served a large