Page:Poems of William Dunbar (1834) Vol 2.djvu/76

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For it is nowthir wynning nor rewaird,
Bot tinsale baith of honour and of fame, 20
Incress of sorrow, sklander, and evill name;
Yit mycht thay be sa bald, in thair bakbytting,
To gar me ryme, and rais the feynd with Flyting,
And throw all cuntreis, and kinrikis thame proclame.


Dirtin Dunbar, quhome on blawis thow thy boist? 25
Pretendand thé to wryte sic skaldit skrowis;
Ramowd rebald, thow sall doun att the roist,
My laureat letters at thé and I lowis;
Mandrag, mymmerkin, maid Maister bot in mowis,
Thryse scheild trumpir, with ane threid bair goun, 30
Say, "Deo mercy," or I cry thé doun,
And leif thy ryming, rebald, and thy rowis.

Dreid, dirtfast dearch, that thow lies dissobeyit
My cousing Quintene and my Commissar;
Fantastik fule, trest weill thow salbe fleyit, 35
Ignorant elf, aip, owll irregular,
Skaldit skaitbird, and commoun skameiar;
Wan [thriven] sunling, that Natour maid ane yrle,
Baith Johne the Ross and thow, sall squeill and skirle,
And evir I heir ocht of your making mair. 40

Heir I put syleuce to thé in all partis,

Obey and ceis the play that thow pretendis;