Page:Poems of William Dunbar (1834) Vol 2.djvu/77

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Waik walidrag, and verlot of the cairtis,
Sé sone thow raak my Commissar amendis,
And lat him lay sax leichis on thy lendis, 45
Meikly in recompansing of thy scorne,
Or thow sall ban the tyme that thow wes borne,
For Kennedy to Thé this cedull sendis.


Ersche brybour baird, vyle beggar with thy brattis,
[Carrybald] crawdoun Kennedy, coward of kynd, 50
Evill farit and dryit, as Denseman on the rattis,
Lyk as the gleddis had on thy gule snowt dynd;
Mismaid monstour, ilk mone owt of thy mynd,
Renunce, rebald, thy ryming, thow bot royis,
Thy trechour tung lies tane ane Heland strynd; 55
Ane Lawland erse wald mak a bettir noyis.

Revin, raggit ruke, and full of rebaldrie,
Scarth fra scorpione, scaldit in scurrilitie,
I sé thé haltane in thy harlotrie,
And in to uthir science no thing slie, 60
Off every vertew voyd, as men may sie;
Qnytclame clergie, and cleik to thé ane club,
Ane baird blasphemar, in brybrie ay to be;
For wit and wisdome ane wisp fra thé may rub.

Thow speiris, dastard, gif I dar with thé fecht? 65
Ye Dagone, dowbart, thairof haif thow no dowt!