Page:Poems of William Dunbar (1834) Vol 2.djvu/80

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Thow hes na breik to latt thy bollokis gyngill;
Beg thé ane club, for baird thow sall go naikit. 120

Lene larbar, loungeour, baith lowsy in lisk and lunyé;
Fy! skolderit skyn, thow art bot skyre and skrumple;
For he that rostit Lawrance had thy grunyé,
And he that hid sanct Johnis ene with ane wimple,
And he that dang sanct Augustine with ane rumple, 125
Thy fowll front had, and he that Bartilmo flaid;
The gallowis gaipis eftir thy graceles gruntill,
As thow wald for ane haggeis, hungry gled.

Commirwald crawdoun, na man comptis thé ane kerfe,
Sueir swappit swanky, swynekeper ay for swaittis; 130
Thy Commissar Quintyne biddis thé cum kiss his erse,
He luvis nocht sic ane ferlane loun of laittis;
He sayis, Thow skaffis and beggis mair beir and aitis
Nor ony cripill in Karrik land abowt;
Uthir pure beggaris and thow ar at debaittis, 135
Decrepit Karlingis on Kennedy eryis owt.

Mater annuch I haiff, I bid nocht fenyie,
Thocht thow, fowll trumpour, thus upoun me leid;
Corrupt carioun, hé sall I cry thy senyie;
Thinkis thow nocht how thow come in grit neid, 140
Greitand in Galloway, lyk to ane gallow breid,
Ramand, and rolpand, beggand ky and ox;
I saw thé thair, in to thy wathemanis weid,
Quhilk wes nocht worth ane pair of auld gray fox.