Page:Poems of William Dunbar (1834) Vol 2.djvu/81

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Erfch Katherane, with thy polk breik, and lulling, 145 Thow and thy Quene, as gredy gleddis, ye gang With polkis to mylne, and beggis baith meill and fchilling; Tliair is bot lyfe, and lang- nailis yow aniang: Fowll keggirbald, for hennis thus will ye hang, Thow lies ane perrellus face to play with lambis; 150 Ane thowfand kiddis, wer thay in faldis full ftrang, Tliy lymmerfull luke wald fie tharae and thair danimis.

In till ane glen thow lies, owt of repair, Ane laithly luge that wes the lippir mennis; With the ane fowtaris wyfe, off blifs als bair, 155 And lyk twa ftalkaris fteilis in cokis and hennis, Thowplukkis the pultre, and fcho pullis off the penuis; All Karrik cryis, God gif this dowfy be drownd; And cpihen thow heiris ane gufe cry in the glennis, Thow thinkis it i'wetar than facrand bell of found. 100

Thow Lazarus, thow laithly lene tramort, To all the world thow may example be; To luk upoun thy gryllie peteous port, For hiddowis, haw, and holkit is thyne ee; Thy cheik bane bair, and blaiknit is thy ble; 165 Thy choip, thy choll, garris men for to leif cheft; Thy gane it garris us think that we mon de: I conjure the, thow huugert Heland gaift.

The larbar lukis of thy lang lene craig,

Thy pure pynit thrott, peilit and owt of ply, 170