Page:Poems of William Dunbar (1834) Vol 2.djvu/85

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Dathane devillis fone, and dragon difpitous, Abironis birth, and bred with Beliall; 250 Wod werwolf, worme, and fcorpion vennemous, Luciferis laid, fowll feyndis face infernall; [Sarazene,] fyphareit, fra fanctis celeftiall, Put I nocht fylence to the, fchiphird knaif, And thow of new begynis to ryme and raif, 255 Thow falbe maid blait, bleir eit, beitiall.

How thy forbearis come, I haif a feill, At Cokburnis-peth, the writ makis me war, Generit betuix ane fche beir and a deill; Sa wes he callit Dewlbeir, and nocht Dunbar: 200 This Dewlbeir, generit of a meir of Mar, AVes Corfpatrik, Erie of Merche ; and be illufioun The firft that evir put Scotland to confufioun, Wes that fals tratcur, hardely fay I dar.

Quhen Bruce and Balioll differit for the croun, 265 Scottis Lordis could nocht obey [the] Inglis lawis; This Corfpatrick betrafit Berwick toun, And flew fevin thoufand Scottifmen within thay wawis, The battall fyne of Spottifmuir he gart caufe, And come with Edwart Langfchankis to the feild, 270 Quhair twelve thowfand trew Scottifmen wer keild, And Wallace chert, as the Cornicle fchawis.