Page:Poems of William Dunbar (1834) Vol 2.djvu/86

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Scottis Lordis cliiftanes lie gart hald andcheflbne In firmance faft, quliill all the feild wes done, Within Dunbar, that auld fpelunk of treffoun; 275 Sa Inglis tykis in Scotland wes abone Than fpulyeit thay the Haly Stane of Scone, The Croce of Halyrudhonfe, and nthir jowellis. He birnis in hell, body, banis, and bowellis, This Corfpatrik that Scotland lies midone. 280

Wallace gart cry ane counfale in to Perth, And callit Corfpatrick tratonr be his iiyle; That dampnit dragone drew him in dilerth, And l'ayd, He kend bot Wallace, King in Kyle: Out of Dunbar that theif he maid exyle 285 Unto Edward, and Inglis grund agane: Tigris, ferpentis, and taidis will remane In Dunbar wallis, todis, wolffis, and beiftis vyle.

Na fowlis of effect amangis thay binkis Biggis, nor abydis, for no thing that may be; 290 Thay ftanis of trefibne as the bruntftane ftinkis. Deidbeiris moder, caffin in by the fe, The wariet apill of the forbiddin tre, That Adame eit, quhen he tynt Paradyce, Scho eit invennomit lyk a cokkatryce, 295 Syne marreit with the Devill for dignite.

Yit of new treffone, I can tell the tailis,

That cumis on nycht in vifioun in my lleip;