Page:Poems of William Dunbar (1834) Vol 2.djvu/87

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Archbald Dunbar betrafd tbe honfe of Hailis, Becaus the young Lord bad Dunbar to keip; 300 Pretendand throw that to tbair rowmis to creip, Rycbt crewaly bis caftell be perfewit, Brocht bim forth boundin, and tbe place refkewit, Sett bim in fetteris in ane dungeoun deip.

It war aganis bayth natur and gud reflbun, 305 That Deulbeiris bairnis were trew to God or man; Qubilkis wer baitb gottin, borne, and bred witb treflbun, Belzebubbis oyis, and curft Corfpatrikis clan: Thow wes preftyt, and ordanit be Satban For to be borne to do thy kyn defame, 310 And gar me fchaw thy Antecefiburis fchame; Thy kyn that leivis may wary the and ban.

Sen thow on me thus, lymmer, leis and trattillis, And fyndis fentence foundit of invy, Thy elderis banis ilk nycht ryflis and rattillis, 315 And on thy corfs Vengeance, vengeance! thay cry. Thow art the caufe thay may nocht reft, nor ly; Thow fayis for thame few plaltaris, pfalmis, or creidis, Bot garis me tell tbair trentallis, and mifdeidis, And tbair auld fyn with new fchame certify. 320

Infenfuat fow, ceifs fals Euftace air! And knaw, kene fkald, I bald of Alathia, And caufs me nocht the caufe lang to declair

Of thy curft kyn, Deulbeir and his Allia: