Page:Poems of William Dunbar (1834) Vol 2.djvu/88

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Cum to the Crofs, on kneis, and mak a cria; 325 Confefs tliy cryme, hald Kennedy thy king, And with ane hauthorne fkurge thy felf and ding: Thus dre thy pennance with "Deliquitti quia."

Pafs to my CommhTar, and be confeft, Cour befoir him on kneis, and cum in will; 330 And fyne gar Stobo for thy life proteft; Renunce tliy rymis, baith ban and birn thy bill; Heive to the hevin thy handis, and hald the ftill: Do thow nocht thus, brigane, thow falbe brint, With pik, fyre, tor, gun powlder, and lint, 335 On Arthouris Sait, or on ane hyar hill.

I perambulit of Pernafo the montayne, Infpirit with Mercury fra his goldin fpheir; And dulcely drank of eloquence the fontayne, Quhen it wes purefeit with frofl, and flowit cleir: 340 And thow come, Fide ! in Merche or Februeir, Thair till ane pule, and drank the paddok rude, That garris the ryme in to thy tenuis glude, And blabbaris that, noyis mennis eiris to heir.

Thow luvis nane Erifche, elf, I undirdand, 345 Bot it fowld be all trew Scottis mennis leid; It wes the gud langage of this land, And Scota it caufit to multiply and fpreid, Quhill Corfpatrik, that we of treifoun reid,

Tliy forefader, maid Erfche and Erfchmen thin, 350