Page:Poems of William Dunbar (1834) Vol 2.djvu/89

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Throw his treflbun hrocht Inglis rumpillis in, So wald thy felf, mycht thow to him fucceid.

Ignorant fule ! in to thy mowis and mokkis, It may be verifeit that thy wit is thin; Qnhair thow wryttis Denfmen dryit on the rattis, 355 Denfmen of Denmark ar of the Kingis kin. The wit thow fowld haif had, wes caflin in Evin at thyne erfs, bakwart, with ane ftalf flung. Heirfoir, fals harlott, hurfone, hald thy tung: Deulbeir ! thow deivis the devill, thy erne, with din. 360

Qnhair as thow faid, I ft all biennis and lammis, I lat the wit, I haif landis, ftoir, and ftakkis. Thow wald be fane to gnaw, lad, with thy gammis, Undir my burde, fmoch banis behind doggis bakkis: Thow lies ane tome purfs, I haif fteidis and takkis, 365 Thow tynt culter, I haif culter and pleuch; For fubftance and geir thow lies a widdy tench On Mont Falcone, about thy craig to rax.

And yit Mont Falcone gallowis is our fair, For to be fylit with fie ane frutlefs face; 370 Cum hame, and hing on our gallowis of Air, To erd the undir it I fall purchefs grace; To eit thy flefch the doggis fall haif na fpace, The revynis fall ryfe na thing bot thy tung rutis, For thow fik malice of thy Maifter mutis, 375 It is weill fett that thow fie barret brace.