Page:Poems of William Dunbar (1834) Vol 2.djvu/90

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Small fynance amangis thy freyndis thow beggit, To ftanche thy florae, with haly muldis thow loft; Thow falit to get a dowkar for to dregg it, It lyis clofit in ane clowt on Northway cofl: 380 Sic rewll garris the be fervit with cauld rofl, And fitt onfoupit oft beyond the fe, Cryand at durris, " Caritas amore Dei," Bairfute, breiklefs, and all in duddis npdoft.

Denlbeir lies nocht ado with ane Dunbar, 385 The Erie of Murray bure that furname rycht, That evir trew and conftant to the Kingis grace war And of that kin cam Dunbar of Wefifeild knycht; That fucceffioun is hardy, wyfe, and wicht, And lies na thing ado now with the, devill: 390 Bot Deulbeir is thy kin, and kennis the weill, And hes in hell for the ane chalmer dycht.

Curft croapand craw, I fall gar crop thy tung, And thow fall cry "Cor mundum," on thy kneis; Duerch, I fall ding the, quhill thow bayth dryte and dung, 395 And thow fall lik thy lippis, and fueir thow leis: I fall degraid the, gracelefs, of thy greis; Scale the for fcorne, and fear the off the fcule, Gar round thy heid tranfforme the as a fule, And fyne with treffone trone the on the treis. 400

Raw mowit rebald, rannegald rehatour, My lynnage and forbearis vrer ay leill;