Page:Resolutions and Theses of the Fourth Congress of the Communist International (1922).djvu/122

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masses the programme of the workers' government (shifting the burden of State expenditures on to the possessing classes, control of production by the workers' organs, arming of the working class), in order to emphasise the difference between a bourgeois social-democratic coalition and a workers' government relying upon the organs of the working class.

This work should have the co-operation of all the members of the Party. There should be no vain grumblings, no spreading of false accusations, no sowing of distrust against the leaders of the Party, but pointed criticism of their shortcomings, daily positive work to remove the shortcomings. Only in this way will the Party become a militant Communist organisation equal to the great tasks imposed upon it by the development of events in Czecho-Slovakia.

Norwegian Communist Party

After having heard the report of the Norwegian Commission, the Congress resolves:—

(1) It is necessary to inform the Executive of the Norwegian Party of the necessity of a more exact fulfilment of all decisions of the International and its Congress, as well as of its executive organs. In the Party organs, as well as in the decisions and resolutions of the directing committees of the Party, there should be no doubt whatever expressed of the possibility of their application to all eventualities which may occur in the life of the Party.

(2) The Congress orders the carrying out of Party reorganisation on the basis of individual membership within one year at most after the next national conference of the Party. The Executive must report, not less than once every two months, on the practical measures taken in the carrying out of this work, and their results.

(3) With regard to the contents of the Party Press, the Party is obliged to comply immediately with the decisions of the previous World Congress as well as those contained in the letter from the International Executive of 23rd of last September. The social democratic names of the Party papers must be altered within three months, from the date of closing of this International Congress.

(4) The Congress supports the standpoint of the Executive in its references to the parliamentary mistakes of the representatives of the Norwegian Party. The Congress is of the opinion that the Communist parliamentary representatives must submit to the control of the Party and the criticism of the Party Press. This criticism must, however, always be well founded and of a comradely nature.

(5) The Congress believes it to be quite admissible, and even necessary, to use the antagonism between various sections