Page:Resolutions and Theses of the Fourth Congress of the Communist International (1922).djvu/123

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of the bourgeoisie in the struggle against the whole bourgeoisie. This refers especially to the antagonism between the representatives of large-scale industry and the landed proprietors on the one hand, and the peasants on the other hand. The struggle to win the peasantry must be one of the special tasks of the Norwegian Party.

(6) The Congress states once again that the parliamentary group, as well as the Party Press, must unconditionally submit to the control of the Central Committee in every detail.

(7) The group, "Not Dag," which is an independent organisation, must be dissolved. We must by all means encourage the formation of a Communist student group, which shall be open to every Communist and under the full control of the Party Executive. The review "Not Dag" may become a Party organ on condition that its editor be chosen by the Central Committee of the Norwegian Party, in agreement with the Executive of the Communist International.

(8) The Congress sustains the appeal of Comrade H. Olsen, and as he is an old and faithful comrade, and was a most active worker and official in the Party, the Congress reinstates him in his rights as a Party member. At the same time the Congress definitely states that his conduct at the Congress of the Metal Workers' Union was incorrect.

(9) This Congress resolves to expel Karl Johannsen from the Communist International and the Norwegian Party.

(10) With the object of bringing about a closer co-operation between the Norwegian Party and the International Executive, and to help overcome the present conflicts with as little friction as possible, this Congress instructs the future Executive to send its plenipotentiary representative to the next National Conference of the Norwegian Party.

(11) This Congress entrusts the Executive with the task of drawing up a letter to the Norwegian Party elucidating this resolution.

(12) The above resolution and the letter of the Executive shall be published in all Party organs, and shall be communicated to all branch organisations of the Party, before the delegates to the next Party Conference are elected.

Communist Party of Jugo-Slavia

The Communist Party of Jugo-Slavia was formed out of the organisations of the former Social-Democratic Party in those provinces which now constitute Jugo-Slavia. It came about by expelling the Right, and later also the Centrist elements, and by affiliating the Party with the Communist International (the Vukovara Congress of 1920). The growth of the Communist Party was greatly promoted by the general revolutionary ferment which spread over Central Europe at