Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/256

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1222 C. 22, 4'^,50O Blank Tickets, at the Rate of 6 ). Tickets of the Outermoft Co- lumns to be rolled up anJ tied, and cut out in- dentwife into a Box marked with the Letter (B) Box to be locked «p and fealcd. Publick Notice to be given of Times of cutting the Tickets into the Boxes. Lottery to begin drawing on 13 Nov. 1758. Method to be obfer^'cd in drawing, &c. After each Day*: Drawing, the Buxec jp be lock-d up and fcalcd. Ntimbers of the Fortuniie ick- et^, aid the Sum^, to be printed. Difputrs relating thereto, to be sdjuflcd by the . hriaiiagcis. Penalty of forg- ing Ticket* or Ccnificaccs. Anno tricefimo primo Georgii II. A. D. 1757, befides the Benefits which may happen to belong to the two hift-mentioned Tickets, will amount in theWhoIe to the Principal Sum of two hundred thirty-nine thouHind Pounds -, which Sum being added to the Sum of two hundred fixty-one thoufand Pounds (which will be the Principal payable according to the Intent and Meaning of this A61, on the remaining forty-three thoufand five hundred Blank or Unfortunate Tickets, computed at the Rate of fix Pounds for each Blank or Unfortunate Ticket) do amount together to the Prin- cipal Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds, being the Total Principal Sum to be converted into Annuities in purfuance of this A6t, in refpecSl of the faid Lottery Tickets; and the faid Managers and Diredors, or the major Part of them, who fhall be prefent at a Meeting as aforefaid, (hall caufe all the faid Tickets con- tained in the Outermoft Columns of the faid laft- mentioned Books, to be, in the Prefence of the faid Mar nagers and Diredfors, or the major Part of them, which fliall be prefent at a Meeting as aforefaid, and in the Prefence of fuch Contributors or Adventurers as will then be there, carefully rolled up and faftened with Thread or Silk, and carefully cut out indentwife through the faid Flourifh or Device, into another Box to be prepared for this Purpofe, and to be marked with the Letter (B) which Box fliall be prefently put into another ftrorrg Box, and locked up with feven different Locks and Keys, to be kept by as many of the faid Managers, and fealed up with their Seals, or the Seals of fome of them, until thofe Tickets Ihall alfo be drawn, in the Manner and Form herein after-mentioned ; and that the whole Bufmefs of rolling up and cutting off, and putting into the faid Boxes the faid Tickets, and locking up and fealing the faid Boxes, fhall be performed by the faid Managers and Dire(9:ors, or fuch of them as aforefaid, within fix Days at leaft before the Drawing of the faid Lottery fhall begin; and to the End every Perfon concerned may be well affured th t the Counterpart of the fame Number with his or her Ticket, is put into the Box marked with the Letter (A) from whence the fame may be drawn, and that other Matters are done as hereby di- re6ted, fome publick Notification in Print fhall be given of the precife Time or Times of cutting the faid Tickets into the faid Boxes, to the End that fuch Adventurers as fhall be minded to fee the fame done, may be prefent at the doing thereof. LIV. And be it further ena(n:ed by the Authority aforefaid. That on or before the thirteenth Day of A<?- vember one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-eight, the faid Managers and Dired:ors fhall caufe the faid fe- veral Boxes, with all the Tickets therein, to be brought into the Guildhall of the City oi London by nine of the Clock in the Forenoon of the fame Day, and placed on a Table there for that Purpofe, and fliall then and there feverally attend this Service, and caufe the two Boxes containing the faid Tickets, to be feveially taken out of the other two Boxes, in which they fhall have been locked up; and the Tickets of Lots in the refpective innermoft Boxes being, in the Prefence of the faid Managers and Dire£tors, or fuch of them as fhall be then prefent, and of fuch Adventurers as will be there for the Satisfa6lion of themfclves, well fhaken and mingled in each Box diftindlly ; and fome one indifferent and fit Perfon, to be appointed and direfted by the Managers aforefaid, or the major Part of them, or fuch of them as fhall be then pre- fent, fhall take out and draw one Ticket from the Box where the faid numbered Tickets fhall be as afore- faid put ; and one other indifferent and fit Perfon, to be appointed and diretfted in like Marmer, fhall pre- fently take out a Ticket or Lot from the Box where the faid fix thoufand five hundred Fortunate, and forty- three thoufand five hundred Blank Tickets fliall be promifcuoufly put as aforefaid ; and immediately both the Tickets fo drawn fliall be opened, and the Number, as v/ell of the Fortunate as the Blank Ticket, fhall be named aloud ; and if the Ticket taken or drawn from the Box containing the Fortunate and Blank Lots fhall appear to be a Blank, then the numbered Ticket fo drawn with the faid Blank at the fame Time, fliall both be put upon one File; and if the Ticket fo drawn or taken from the Box containing the Fortu- nate and Blank Lots, fhall appear to be one of the Fortunate Tickets, then the principal Sum written upon fuch Fortunate Ticket, whatever it be, fhall be entered by a Clerk, which the faid Managers, or M the major Part of them as aforefaid, fhall employ and overfce for this Purpofe, into a Book to be kept for ™ entering the Numbers coming up with the faid Fortunate Tickets, and the principal Sums whcreunto they iliall be intitled refpe£livcly, Tuid two of the faid Managers fhall let their Names as Witneffes to fuch En- tries ; and the faid Fortunate and numbered Tickets fo drawn together, fhall be put upon another File } and fo the faid Drawing of the Tickets fhall continue, by taking one Ticket at a Time out of each Boy, and with openirig, naming aloud, and filing the fame, and by entering the Fortunate Lots in fuch Method as is before mentioned, until the whole Number of fix thoufand five hundred P'ortunate Tickets, and oae more for the laft drawn as aforefaid, fhall be complcatly drawn ; and if the fame cannot be performed in' one Day's Time, the faid Managers and DirciSlors fhall caufe the Boxes to be locked up and fealed in Alan- ner as aforefaid, and adjourn till the next Day, and fo from Day to Day, and every Day, (except S-undapy Chrtflmas and Faft Days appointed by particular A6ts of Parliament, or by the King's Proclamatien) a/id then open the f.;me, and proceed as above till the faid whole Nimiber of ixy. thoufand five hundred Fortu- nate Tickets, and one more, fhall be compleatly drawn as aforefaid ; and afterwards ihc faid numbered Tickets fo drawn, with the Fortunate Tickets drawn againfl the fame, fhall be and remain in a ftrong Box locked up as aforefaid, and under the Cuftody of the faid Managers, until they fliall take them out to exa- mine, adjuft and fettle the Property thereof. LV. And, to the End the Fortunate may know, whether abfent or prefent, to what Degree they have been fo ; Be it enabled, That as foon as the Drawing is over, the faid A^anagcrs are hcicby required, as foon as conveniently may be, to caufe to be printed and publifhed the Number of the 'Fickets drawn againfl each Fortunate Ticket, and the Principal Simi written on the fame ; and if any Contention or Difputc fhall arife in a Jjufting the Property of the faid Fortunate Tickets, the major I'ai t of the faid Managers agreeing therein, fliall determine to whom it doth or ought to belong : And if any Perfon or Perfnns (hall forge or counterfeit any 'Picket or Tickets, Certificate or Certificates, to be made forth in pvii fuaiicc of this A6>, or made forth, or to be made forth, on any former Lottery A61, or alter any the Nuinbcrs there- of, or utter, vend, barter or difpofe of, or offer to difpofc of, any falfc, altered, forjied or counterfeited Ticket or Tickets, Ccftificatc or Certificates, or bring any forged or counterfeit Ticket or Cciiificate, or 3. any I