Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/498

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464 C. 2 3* Anno tricedmo tertio Georgii II. . A. D. 1759. CAP. XXIII. An Aft for enabling his Majefty to raife a certain Sum of Money towards paying off and difcharging the Debt of the Navy; and towards Naval Services for the Year one thou- fand feven hundred and fixty. Moji Gracious Sovereign, Preamble* * Wl ^ V®"^ Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subje£ls, the Commons o^ Great Britain^ in Par-

  • W iiament affembled, for raifing the Supply granted to your Majefty towards paying off and
  • difcharging the Debt of the Navyj and alfo towards raifing the Supply granted to your Majefty
  • for Naval Services in the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fixty, have refolved to give and
  • grant unto your Majefty the Sum of one million five hundred thoufand Pounds; and do therefore
  • moft humbly befeech your Majefty, that it may be ena£led;' And be it enaded by the King's

moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, Credit of Loan granted and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That it to his Majefty for raifing fhall and may be lawful to and for the King's moft- Excellent Majefty, by Warrant or Warrants 1,500,000!. under his Pvoyal Sign Manual, to authorize and impower the Commiflioners of his Majefty's Trea- fury nov/ or for the Time being, or any three or more of them, or the Lord High Treafurer for the Trcafury may raife the Time being, at any Time or Times before the fifth Day of January one thoufand feven hundred fame by Loans or Ex- and fixty-one, to caufe or direct any Loans to be taken or received at his Majefty's Exchequer, chequer Bills, from any Perfon or Perfons, Natives or Foreigners, Body or Bodies Politick or Corporate, or any Number of Exchequer Bills to be made out there, for any Sum or Sums Money not exceeding, in in like Manner as iipre- Leans and Exchequer Bills together, in the Whole, the faid Sum of one million five hundred thou- fcribed by the Land Tax ^^^^ Pounds, in the fame or like Manner, Form and Order, and according to the fame or like Act of this Seflion, Rules and Dire£tions as in and by an A£t of this prefent Seffion of Parliament, intituled, y/« A^ concerning Loans or for granting an Aid to his Majejiy by a Land Tax^ to be raifed in Great Britain for the Service of the Exchequer Bills thereby yg^jf Q„g thoufand jeven hundred and fixty ^ are ena(fi:ed and prefcribed concerning the Loans or Exche- o ema e ou . ^^^^ Bills to be taken or made in purfuance of the faid Aft. The Claufes, &e. in the H. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every the Claufes, Provifoes^ faid Act relating to Powcrs, Privileges, Advantages, Penalties, Forfeitures, and Difabilities contained in the faid lafl: Loans or Exchequer Bills, mentioned A£t relating to the Loans or Exchequer Bills authorized to be made by the fame Ad (ex- cept fuch Claufes as do charge the fame on the Taxes granted by the fame A6f, and except fuch Claufes as limit the Rate of Intcreft to be paid for the Forbearance of Money lent on the Credit of extended to the Loan; or [he faid Aft, and alfo except as is herein after mentioned) ftiall be applied and extended to the Loans Slt7onhfn"urfuance ^"'^ Exchequer Bills to be made in purfuance of this Aft, as fully and eff"eftually, to all Intents ^^this°Act'. ^ ' ^nd Purpofes, as if the fame Loans or Exchequer Bills had been originally authorized by the faid laft mentioned Aft, or as if the faid feveral Claufes or Provifoes had been particularly repeated and re- enafted in the Body of this Aft. The Exchequer Bills fo , Provided always and be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That no Exchequer made forth, and ifTued^ Bill or Bills, to be made out by virtue of this Aft, fhall after the fame hath or have been iftued and Navy* ^"""'^° ^ ^ paid at the Exchequer to the Treafurer of his Majefty's Navy for the Time being, and applied by him for the Purpofes herein after mentioned, be afterwards, at any Time before the twenty-fixth not to be received again Day of ykf^rJ^ one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-one, received or taken, or pafs, or be current in Payment of any Tax, to any Receiver or Colleftor w Great Britain of the Cuftoms, Excifc, or any Revenue, Supply, "e^w'^'^^r^^e "^^^"^ ' °^ ^^^ whatfoevcr, due or payable to his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeflbrs, or at the Receipt a arc 17 x. ^^ ^^^ Exchequer, from any fuch Receiver or Colleftor, or from any other Perfon or Perfons, Bo- dies Politick or Corporate, otherwife, or on any other Account, than for the Difcharge and cancel- ling of fuch Bills, in cafe the fame ftiall be in due Courfe or Order of Payment, before the faid twenty-fixth Day o^ March; nor ftiall any fuch Receiver or Colleftor exchange at any Time before the faid twenty-fixth Day oi March ^ for any Money of fuch Revenues, Aids, Taxes, or Supplies in his Handii, any Exchecjuer Bill or Bills which ftiall have been iftued and applied as aforefaid Bormayany Action lie by virtue of this Aft nor fhall any Adtion be maintained againft any fuch Receiver or Colleftor lor ftich Rcfufal, f-Q^ neglecting or refufing to exchange any fuch Bill or Bills for ready Money before the faid twenty- fixth Day oi March anything in the faid Aft made in this prefent ScfTion of Parliament, intituled, An ASt for granting an Aid to his Majejly by a Land Tax^ to be raifed in Great Britain, for the Ser- vice of the fear one thoufand feven hundred crnd fixty ^ or this Aft, contained to the contrary not- Vv'ithftanding. The Principal and Inte- jy. And bc it further enafted by the Authority aforcAiid, That all fuch Loans or Exchequer rrft, with heCharpcs j^jjj together ^vith the Intereft, Premium Rate 'and Charges indident to, or attending the fame, attending, to bc paid out „ ,,Y » , , . .11 ■ . 1 , 11 1 • i u u .. r »1,„ ©f the nextSuppliuj ihull be and are hereby charged and chargeable upon, and Ihall be repaid or bo ne by or out ol the and if none fuflicient be firft Aids or Sujjplies which liiall be granted in the next SciTion Parliament; and in cafe fufficient granted before 5 July Aids or Supplies for that Purpofc ftiall not bc granted before the fif.h Day of ftdy one thoufand '7^*> ^ feven hundred and fixty-one, then ^11 the faid Loans or Exchequer Bills, with the Intereft, Pre- «u?orth«SinlungFund-"^"' ^^'^^ '"^^^ Charges incident 'o or attending the fame, (hall bc and are hereby charged and 'char^j^eablfc upon fuch Moaicii us at any Time or limes at or after the faid fifth Day oVjuly one thoufand