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Enter a Hermit and his Pupil.

Herm. [Raising his hands.] Slay not, mighty sovereign, slay not a poor fawn, who has found a place of refuge. No, surely, no; he must not be hurt. An arrow in the delicate body of a deer would be like fire in a bale of cotton. Compared with thy keen shafts, how weak must be the tender hide of a young antelope! Replace quickly, oh! replace the arrow which thou hast aimed. The weapons of you kings and warriors are destined for the relief of the oppressed, not for the destruction of the guiltless.

Dushm. [Saluting them.] It is replaced.

[He places the arrow in his quiver.

Herm. [With joy.] Worthy is that act of thee, most illustrious of monarchs; worthy, indeed, of a prince descended from Puru. Mayst thou have a son adorned with virtues, a sovereign of the world!

Pup. [Elevating both his hands.] Oh! by all means may thy son be adorned with every virtue, a sovereign of the world!

Dushm. [Bowing to them.] My head bears with reverence the order of a Bráhmen.

Herm. Great king, we came hither to collect wood for a solemn sacrifice; and this forest, on the banks of the Malinì, affords an asylum to the wild animals protected by Sacontalá, whom our holy preceptor Canna has received as a sacred deposit. If you have no other avoca-