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tion, enter yon grove, and let the rights of hospitality be duly performed. Having seen with your own eyes the virtuous behaviour of those whose only wealth is their piety, but whose worldly cares are now at an end, you will then exclaim, "How many good subjects are defended by this arm, which the bowstring has made callous!"

Dushm. Is the master of your family at home?

Herm. Our preceptor is gone to Sómatírt'ha, in hopes, of deprecating some calamity, with which destiny threatens the irreproachable Sacontalá; and he has charged her, in his absence, to receive all guests with due honour.

Dushm. Holy man, I will attend her; and she, having observed my devotion, will report it favourably to the venerable sage.

Both. Be it so; and we depart on our business. [The Hermit and his Pupil go out.

Dushm. Drive on the car. By visiting the abode of holiness, we shall purify our souls.

Char. As the King (may his life be long!) commands. [He drives on.

Dushm. [Looking on all sides.] That we are near the dwelling-place of pious hermits, would clearly have appeared, even if it had not been told.

Char. By what marks?

Dushm. Do you not observe them ? See under yon trees the hallowed grains which have been scattered on the ground, while the tender female parrots were feeding their unfledged young in