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This a very old game, which little folks have always been fond of playing.

The children all take hands and dance round, singing:

\relative c'' { \key g \major \numericTimeSignature \time 6/8 { \autoBeamOff g8 g8 g8 g4 b8 |
d8. d16 b8 g4 b8 |
a8. a16 a8 a4 b8 |
a8. a16 fis8 d4. | \break g8 g8 g8 g4 b8 |
d8. d16 b8 g4 b8 |
a4 a8 b4 a8 |
g4. g4 r16 | \bar "||"

} }
\addlyrics { Here we go round the mul -- ber -- ry bush, The mul -- ber --ry bush, the mul --ber -- ry bush! Here we go round the mul -- ber -- ry bush, So ear -- ly in the morn -- ing! }
The Mulberry Bush
The Mulberry Bush

Then they stop and pretend to wash their dresses, singing:

"This is the way we wash our clothes,
We wash our clothes, we wash our clothes!
This is the way we wash our clothes,
So early Monday morning!"

Then they dance round hand in hand again, singing, "Here we go round the mulberry bush," &c., as at first. Again they stop and make motions of ironing, singing:

"This is the way we iron our clothes,
We iron our clothes, we iron our clothes!
This is the way we iron our clothes,
So early Tuesday morning!"